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Enhanced Security and Compliance with MySQL Enterprise Edition (EE)

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MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database. Many users start their MySQL journey with the MySQL Community Edition. However, MySQL Enterprise Edition (EE) provides the advanced security, performance, scalability, and availability for the most demanding applications and online environments. Continue reading this article to find out how MySQL EE surrounds your key assets with robust protection and how it goes way beyond what’s available in MySQL Community Edition to ensure that business-critical data and systems stay safe

Also read: 5 Reasons why MySQL Enterprise Edition (EE) should be your database of choice

Data: Your Most Valuable Asset

In today’s digital world, data is your organization’s single most valuable asset. The data might be generated by your organization, or it might have been entrusted to you. It may contain PII (Personally Identifiable Information), PCI (Payment Card), or PHI (Personal Health Information) data. Your data presents great value for thieves, state sponsored criminals and malicious insiders who will do anything to get their hands onto it. To protect sensitive data and privacy of PII; governments and regulatory bodies have developed multiple regulations and data protection laws. Complying with this patchwork of laws and regulations can be a very difficult task for any organization. Companies that are out of compliance can face hefty fines. This is where MySQL Enterprise Edition comes in.

Security Features of MySQL Enterprise Edition

MySQL delivers a powerful suite of products to help companies defend themselves against the risk of a data breach and comply with regulations. These can be grouped into four categories:

  • Assess: MySQL Enterprise Monitor helps identify security vulnerabilities such as weak password policies.
  • Prevent: Multiple tools to create a resilient database infrastructure and implement the appropriate safeguards such as encrypting data at rest and in motion.
  • Detect: MySQL Enterprise Audit helps organizations to identify who accessed what information to aid in the timely discovery of cybersecurity events.
  • Recover: MySQL Enterprise High Availability and MySQL Enterprise Backup helps companies to recover and reduce the impact of a cybersecurity event.

MySQL Enterprise Edition allows you to:

  • Encrypt the physical files of the database using MySQL Enterprise Transparent Data Encryption.
  • Protect sensitive data in transit using encryption, key generation, and digital signatures with MySQL Enterprise Encryption.
  • Anonymize personal data for development and testing using MySQL Masking and De-identification.
  • Leverage existing, centralized security infrastructures with MySQL Enterprise Authentication.
  • Block SQL injection attacks that can result in loss of valuable personal and financial data using MySQL Enterprise Firewall.
  • Add policy-based auditing compliance of existing MySQL applications using MySQL Enterprise Audit.
  • Identify security vulnerabilities including at-risk configurations, privileges, and passwords using MySQL Enterprise Monitor.
  • Reduce risk of data loss with MySQL Enterprise Backup for hot backup and recovery backup encryption.
  • Reduce risk of data loss with MySQL Enterprise Backup for hot backup and recovery backup encryption.
  • Implement strong password policies and best practices using MySQL Password Management System.

Wrapping up

There has been an exponential increase in cyber-attacks, related to ransomware and security, putting at risk the safety of corporate information and confidential data. MySQL Enterprise Edition reduces risk, cost, and complexity in developing, deploying and managing mission-critical applications. It includes an extensive range of security features covering everything from authentication and authorization to encryption, data masking, firewall, and auditing. Further, it includes the most comprehensive set of advanced features, management tools, and technical support to achieve the highest levels of scalability, reliability, and uptime. This makes it the database of choice for all organizations irrespective of their size.

Check Clover Infotech’s MySQL service offering here.

If you wish to know more about MySQL Enterprise Edition, write to us at and we’ll arrange a FREE 30-minute consultation from our team of MySQL experts.

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