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5 Reasons to run your Oracle Database on Exadata

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Oracle Exadata is the only platform that delivers optimum database performance and efficiency for mixed data, analytics, and OLTP workloads. With a full range of deployment options, it allows you to run your Oracle Database and data workloads where you want, how you want—on-premises, in the Oracle Cloud, Cloud at Customer in your data center, or any combination of these models. Here are five top reasons to choose Exadata to run your Oracle Database.

  1. Optimized for Oracle Database

Using a generic approach to building your database infrastructure means your IT budget disappears if your business grows rapidly. Throwing more hardware at the problem will only work for so long. Generic infrastructure creates problems. All databases grow, meaning more data, users, copies, and tasks to manage. More servers and more storage means more complexity, and more of your people’s time to manage it all. As a result, costs go up, along with the exposure to the risk of errors. It’s time for a new approach that’s engineered for your critical database workloads. Oracle Exadata is the answer. With an infrastructure that’s engineered to work together with your Oracle Databases, Oracle Exadata delivers far more power with less hardware. It removes IT complexity while delivering greater performance, scalability, security, and data protection.


Also Visit: Oracle Exadata Support Services by Clover Infotech


  1. Delivers Workload Performance and Scale

All databases grow, meaning more data, users, copies and tasks to manage. A generic approach to infrastructure will result in a complex architecture, and an unsustainable level of IT spend. As a result, you’ll have a larger data center footprint, which means you’ll be paying for more power, cooling, and floor space. Not only that, but you could be held back by slow data queries that take longer to access information. Oracle Exadata increases employee productivity and helps grow revenues with less cost and complexity vs traditional approaches. With performance up to 100 times faster, you can access data more easily, and engage with customers more quickly. That same power lets you consolidate your databases onto a single platform, delivering more than four times the density. By using Oracle Database cores sparingly, it saves on licensing costs, and with a choice of consumption models including on-premises, Cloud at Customer and Oracle Cloud, Exadata even offers a database as a service (DBaaS) environment that focuses on rapid provisioning.

  1. Operationally Efficient

Does your business rely on hardware from multiple vendors? If so, you probably experience issues managing a complex database infrastructure. Maintaining and tuning each database and server overstretches IT staff, and deploying new applications can take months. You may also need IT specialists to take care of each different component. As the number of applications and their associated databases increases, your admin costs go up, and so will your data center footprint. Oracle Exadata delivers greater database and application performance with less hardware—and fewer licenses. Oracle Exadata means easier upgrades, tuning, patching, monitoring, and support, so you can control your costs. Its linear scalability means newer models work alongside older models by design, so you can start modestly and add capacity when you need it. The on-premises Exadata Cloud Machine works on Oracle Cloud, thereby enabling you with a pure OpEx model.

  1. Maximize Availability and Security

Good data security and database uptime are critical to business operations and revenue growth for your organization. Database sprawl makes it harder to establish consistent protection and policies for sensitive data. There are too many points of control to monitor and maintain. A larger surface area is vulnerable to attack, yet there’s rarely enough budget for the specialist skills required to manage it. Businesses use Oracle Exadata to run their most important database workloads. With hardware and software working together, Exadata eliminates system downtime, using its built-in resilience and redundancy. If you need even more, the Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture can provide the ultimate in bulletproof uptime. The benefits are clear: less business impact from outages, less IT impact in managing downtime, and consistent application and developer productivity.

  1. Ready for the Cloud

Business leaders want a simple and complete cloud strategy and implementation. Ideally, they will invest in an architecture that offers a pathway to a cloud consumption model for the future. One that offers the flexibility to mix and match on-premises deployment with a compatible public cloud option, whether that’s for development and testing, running globally, providing extra capacity, or ensuring business continuity. Multi-vendor database infrastructure and generic public cloud offerings cannot offer on-premises and public cloud compatibility, or let you to bring a public cloud model to your data center. Oracle Exadata offers the best of both worlds. You can buy and manage on-premises Oracle Exadata in the traditional way. You can choose an Oracle Cloud and subscribe to the Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service that’s equivalent to an on-premises Oracle Exadata, just with a different consumption model. And for an on-premises consumption model equivalent to Oracle public cloud, behind your firewall, there’s the Cloud at Customer service delivered by Exadata Cloud Machine. Now that’s a powerful set of options: the same architecture, with all the same benefits. All you need to do is choose which consumption model works best for you.

Discover how Clover Infotech can help you choose the right Exadata solution for your database needs.

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