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Top 5 benefits of switching to Distributed Cloud for Enterprises

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Distributed Cloud Computing has already made it to Gartner’s top ten strategic technology trends of 2020. The businesses of future need distributed cloud infrastructure, applications, and databases to address modern workloads and their requirements. Since distributed cloud has geographically dispersed infrastructure that primarily runs services at the network edge, it allows organizations to reduce latency, network congestion, and risk of data loss. In addition, organizations can better ensure compliance with data sovereignty regulations since data can be kept in the country it was generated in.

But what is Distributed Cloud

Distributed Cloud generalizes the cloud computing model to position, process, and serve data and applications from geographically distributed sites to meet requirements for performance, redundancy, and regulations. In simpler words, distributed cloud is the application of cloud computing technologies to interconnect data and applications served from multiple geographic locations.

In a distributed cloud environment, network, computing, and storage is shared amongst multiple systems which may also be in different locations. For an organization having presence across geographies, distributed cloud environment accelerates the pace of communication and enhances responsiveness.

Below mentioned are top 5 reasons for enterprises to adopt distributed cloud computing:

  1. Reduces Latency – Distributed cloud computing offers groundbreaking solution to the problem of latency. By locating key processing tasks closer to end users, distributed cloud computing can deliver faster and more responsive services. It enables organizations to process the data they gather locally rather than transmitting it back to centralized cloud computing servers for analysis. By bringing more processes closer to the source and relaying far less data back to the center of the network, distributed cloud computing can greatly improve performance speed. Distributed cloud computing becomes an absolute necessity for data driven technology such as autonomous vehicle, where even a time lag of few milliseconds can cause fatal damage.
  2. Autonomy and Security – With distributed cloud computing, organizations get storage, computation and network in micro-cloud located outside the centralized cloud. This established computing closer to the end-user, thus enhancing security. Distributed cloud model brings more agility, thereby giving enterprises better business outcomes.
  3. Resilience – A distributed cloud environment is more resilient to system failures. Since, a system crash on one server does not affect the other, such failures can be handled in the most cost-effective way. Having smaller and decentralized units lowers the impact of failures and decreases the need for allocating spare capacity, thereby making the organization more resilient to such uncertainties.
  4. Network Scalability – Distributed cloud environment gives flexibility to the organizations to scale up the capacity whenever the need arises. Since different applications run on different servers, resources can be easily added or removed for scaling up or down without hindering the entire cloud infrastructure.
  5. Speed and Content Distribution – Distributed cloud computing offers faster than single-computer systems. One of the advantages of having a distributed cloud environment is that queries can be routed to a server with a particular user’s information, rather than all requests having to go to a single machine that can be overloaded. Furthermore, requests can also be routed to servers physically close or on a speedy network connection to whoever wants the data, which implies less time and resources allocated to dealing with network traffic and bottlenecks.

In conclusion, IT is the backbone of today’s dynamic business world. Hence, it becomes imperative for businesses to continuously evolve and adopt solutions that not only allow them to survive but also thrive. The future-ready businesses need to simplify their complex IT infrastructure and implement solutions that offer them greater flexibility, scalability, and enhanced performance, while maintaining cost-efficiency.


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