AI-powered Smart Payables Solution

Straight Through Processing of Invoices

Gaps in current invoice processing

  • Manual Errors
  • Transactional Engagement (Phone, Email, etc.)
  • Strong Personnel Dependency
  • Data Silos
  • Compliance Gaps

Let’s process invoices - The ‘CloverAI’ Way

How it works?

  • Vendors send invoices/documents to their point of contact via emails
  • The invoices are taken from Inbox to OCI using Process Cloud without any human intervention.
  • Oracle AI Vision scans hundreds of documents in seconds, matches it with purchase orders, and sends it to Oracle EBS upon a successful match. 97% of invoices are sent ahead.
  • Oracle EBS triggers a notification to Accounts Head for approval.
  • Accounts Head approves the payment
  • The Bank processes the payment to the suppliers

Value to Customer

  • Eliminate the need for human intervention at critical junctures.
  • Reduce the incidence of human error in accounting and associated risks
  • Keep the compliance in check with data accuracy and sanctity.
  • Free the accounts team’s bandwidth for other accounting tasks.
  • Get closer to a ‘Completely automated workflow’ from invoice to payment.
ARC magnifying glass

OCI/PaaS Tools used

  • Vision Document Understanding
  • Oracle Process Cloud
  • Oracle Integration Cloud

DocAI & Vision

  • Hybrid models that combine visual and text algorithms with more accurate results.
  • Complete integration with OCI Data Labeling to simplify data labeling and provide more accurate models.
  • Easy Integration with other systems for seamless data flow.
  • With time, AI gets closer to 100% accuracy, thereby, reducing the need for manual intervention with respect to corrections, missing/ incorrect data entries, etc.

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