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7 factors that could compromise your cloud infrastructure; and how to solve them

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Cloud computing has never been as essential to business continuity as it has over the last year. Owing to the pandemic and the resultant lockdowns, remote working has become a necessary practice. As businesses adjust to this workplace paradigm shift, digital infrastructure continues to be the biggest enabler. Remote employees across the globe rely on digital channels and cloud platforms to connect and collaborate every day, from their homes and other remote locations. Cybercriminals make the most out of this unfortunate situation. Hence, enterprises now cannot afford to take a relaxed stand when it comes to ensuring security of their digital infrastructure.


Also Read: How to safeguard your data in the cloud?


Here are 7 factors that they can consider to ensure robust security of their cloud infrastructure:

Security Vulnerabilities in Infrastructure

Migrating business-critical workloads to the cloud is a perilous process as security vulnerabilities in terms of systems compatibility, migration of confidential data, poor configurations of servers, and faulty firewalls could crop up and compromise the security of the cloud infrastructure. This problem can be addressed by looking at the aforementioned servers in isolation before any migration as well as ensuring that the security team is actively engaged in monitoring these cloud configurations during every step of the process.

Weak Data Security in Motion

This could happen during the transfer of data amongst different IT infrastructures in the company – be it on premise, public cloud, or private cloud. In such instances, the mismatched port numbers with faulty configurations, or expired certificates guarding the target endpoints could result in crucial information from the business finding its way to the outside world. To prevent this, extreme diligence is required, and all data entry and exit points must be monitored vigorously to prevent leaks.

Insecure Data Migrations

Under conventional circumstances, database operations when migrated to the cloud undergo security audits before it can be stored. It is during or post this migration that the real problem manifests. However, this can be prevented by regular data backups, encryption, and secure porting of data through Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

Lax Access Control Security

Access Control to resources is a continuous process. As people enter and leave the company, access control scheduling ensures that former employees or consultants no longer have access to systems once they’ve left the organisation. Regular audits should be conducted to ensure that access permissions are only in the hands of authorised resources.

Lapses in Interoperability Security between Systems

Miscommunication between the business’s internal system and the external cloud system usually result in data leaks. This troubling phenomenon can be resolved by setting stringent guidelines with regard to inbound and outbound traffic at these intersection points, so that no information leaks can occur either during or after the process of integration.

Improper Intrusion Detection

Once the cloud infrastructure is set up, a secure intrusion detection mechanism is essential to ensure that no external parties gather data from the network. Any security lapses can be beneficial for those intending to inflict harm, which is why intrusion detection software logs should be monitored meticulously and regularly.

Vulnerability Assessments

A cloud infrastructure system is only as strong as its most vulnerable point. Most major weaknesses manifest during or in the aftermath of a software or hardware upgrade, while untested security configurations are another avenue through which attacks may occur. The solution? After each upgrade, vulnerability assessment tools should be used to detect changes in network topology that may pose as threats.

When it comes to keeping cloud infrastructure systems running without a hitch, there’s no such thing as too much vigilance. Continuous monitoring, regular audits, and frequent assessments in unison all contribute to security. While no system can ever truly be secure, knowing where vulnerabilities lie and how to address them is the next best thing.

As written by Shrikant Navelkar, Director, Clover Infotech, and published in Technuter

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